5 Ways to Help With the Water Sanitation Crisis

Clean water

5 Ways to Help With the Water Sanitation Crisis

The water sanitation crisis is affecting communities around the world. Many businesses and households waste water on a daily basis. Furthermore, pollution can affect public water supplies and negatively impact the health of flora and fauna.

Texas’s Trinity River is no different. Our 710-mile watershed has a long history of water quality challenges. But that doesn’t mean it’s a lost cause, and the Trinity Coalition is working hard every day to make a change. With the right strategies, you can be part of the solution.

1. Change Your Consumption Habits

Often, we don’t even realize how much clean water we waste on a daily basis. If you live in an area where you’ve never had to worry about water quality, or a lack of water, you probably use far more water than you need.

Strategies for Cutting Down

How can you cut down on your water usage so that you’re not wasting this valuable resource? My Own Water recommends taking shorter showers, watering your plants only when the weather is dry, and turning off your faucets whenever they aren’t needed - don’t let the water run while you’re washing your hands!

Test Water Quality

It is also a good idea to test your home’s water for contaminants and, depending on the results, consider adding a sink, well, or whole house water filter. Best Filters Life has reviews and recommendations for these products to make adopting a cleaner water lifestyle easier.

2. Transform Your Home’s Plumbing System

Are your appliances inefficient? Do you have leaky plumbing? Chances are, you can make some improvements in these areas to save water in your household. You may want to upgrade your washing machine and dishwasher, replace leaky faucets, and hire a contractor to install low-flush toilets. You could also look into gray water systems for your home, which reuse water over and over again.

What About Rentals?

Renters can feel hobbled by their leases, but if there are changes you feel would be of benefit, talk with the property owner. You might be pleasantly surprised at their willingness to make adjustments, and if not, you can always consider an upgrade when your lease is up. There are over 2,000 apartments available in the Dallas area alone. It might take a little research, but with good communication you can find a landlord that endorses environmentally-friendly policies.

3. Reduce Pollution in Your Community

Unfortunately, individuals and corporations alike contribute to the issue of water pollution. For large-scale changes in this area, you’ll need to petition your local government to implement stricter environmental regulations for people and businesses - but you can also do your part from home.

Consider Proper Disposal

Earth Eclipse recommends properly disposing of food waste and medications rather than releasing them into the water supply, minimizing your use of detergents, pesticides, and fertilizers, maintaining your car so that it does not leak automobile oil, and skipping out on plastic packaging whenever possible, as it sheds toxic microplastics.

Choose Safe and Natural Products Whenever Possible

Many people think harsh chemicals are the answer to keeping their homes and businesses clean, but there are a number of safe and natural options available. Baking Soda is a terrific deodorizer, for instance. And vinegar is a mild acid that is safe for cutting grease and dissolving minerals. Plus, these options are inexpensive, so put them to work in your cleaning arsenal.

4. Advocate for Better Policies

Sometimes, it takes more than individual action to make a lasting change with a big impact. You can’t save the world on your own - in order to improve water sanitation in your community and beyond, you need to connect with your local government and find out how you can positively influence environmental regulation policies.

Take Local Action

To advocate for water sanitation in the public sphere, you can start by simply emailing or calling your local officials to share your ideas and looking for boards or commissions that you could serve on. You can also give money to or volunteer with reputable charities that are addressing this cause.

Use Posters and Other Visuals to Raise Awareness

It’s often said that a picture paints a thousand words. We are highly visual creatures, so in your efforts to raise awareness, be sure to use imagery. You can make a large-format promotional piece using free online tools or apps and post them in businesses, parks, and neighborhoods. Just make sure you get permission from property owners before putting up your signage.

5. Make Changes for Yourself and the Community

If you’re worried about the water sanitation crisis, it’s time to take action. You don’t have to wait for someone else to take charge of this issue. Whether you want to start a relevant business, optimize your home’s plumbing system, or advocate for smart water usage in your town, these tips will help you make a change!

Photo via Pexels