Open Rescue and Roll Kayak Clinic

Start Date:

Dec 13, 2019

End Date:

Dec 13, 2019


6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

More Details

Want to tune up your rescue skills or work on your roll but don't want to brave the icy winter water? We have the solution! Come join us for a FREE rescue and roll tune up session at the indoor heated pool at the Kirby Creek Natatorium. Sponsored by the North Texas River Runners, Keep Grand Prairie Beautiful, and the Trinity Coalition, this event will have ACA instructors on hand to help you keep your skills sharp while avoiding the cold water. Space in this clinic is limited, so RSVP early and let us know if you are bringing your own equipment. Don't wait for spring to learn a good rescue and practice your wet exit. Heated pool at the Kirby Creek Natatorium provided courtesy of Keep Grand Prairie Beautiful and North Texas River Runners. ACA instructors will go over basic rescue techniques and, for those working on advanced skills, roll techniques. Previous paddling classes are not required, though they are a plus.

Bring clothing suitable for a pool and a dry change of clothes. Changing rooms are available.


Trinity Coalition

Providing Conservation through Recreation